Peak Disaster Season is upon us and we need your help...

Historically, late summer through the fall is when Mercy Chefs' services are needed the most as both hurricane and wildfire seasons reach their peak simultaneously.

This year -- with mobile kitchens now stationed from coast-to-coast -- Mercy Chefs is gearing up to respond to multiple disasters, often more than one simultaneously.

A significant portion of the cost of every Mercy Chefs disaster response is incurred before we ever deploy. That's why we need your help right now! 

Just $50 will equip Mercy Chefs to serve about 14 meals during this year's peak disaster season. If you can contribute $105 you'll be helping feed 30 people. Perhaps the Lord has blessed you, and you can sponsor 100 ($350), 200 ($700), or even 350 meals ($1,000). Please use the form below to make your best possible, tax-deductible gift to Mercy Chefs to help us respond to this disaster while we continue other vital efforts. Thank you and God bless you!

To support Mercy Chefs by check, please print this page and mail it with your check to: Mercy Chefs, c/o Grassroots Action, P.O. Box 9095, Chesapeake, VA 23321


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Contributions are tax deductible.

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