Hurricane Florence intensified overnight and this morning, so it's now a dangerous "Category 4" storm. Currently located off the East Coast of the United States, this life-threatening weather system is expected to intensify even more, as it approaches warmer water, and make landfall later this week. A weather forecaster I know and trust, Alan Lammey, recently posted this on his Facebook page:

"If you live in the South Carolina/North Carolina/Virginia area, you should be preparing for an imminent disaster to the area. You should also be making serious plans to leave the area" (emphasis added).

Friends, please pray for those who will be affected by this storm. If you're in the expected path of Hurricane Florence, make plans now to protect your life, your loved ones and your property. The Mercy Chefs team is moving and preparing our equipment for an imminent deployment.

Our "Mercy 4" mobile kitchen is leaving Texas for the East Coast, and we're positioning "Mercy 3" in a strategic location relative to where the storm could make landfall. Also, we're in contact with state emergency officials along the East Coast, so we can respond to the areas of greatest need. I'll have more information soon, but we're expecting a multi-site deployment for Hurricane Florence. Click here to help now.

+ + Hurricane Threat Imminent: Help Mercy Chefs Respond Immediately!

Mercy Chefs teams will be ready to move as soon as we have clear direction and an accurate needs assessment. But in order to "hit the ground running" in the next 24 to 48 hours, I urgently need your help.

It costs us about $5,000 to "gas up" our trucks and mobile kitchens, to re-stock critical supplies, and to purchase the groceries needed to cook and serve meals as soon as we arrive at a deployment site. With a dual deployment planned, we'll need twice that amount. Can I count on your EMERGENCY HELP, right now, to raise $10,000 as we prepare to deploy teams to the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Florence?

Click here or on the banner below to make your best tax-deductible gift right now to help Mercy Chefs cover $10,000 in pre-deployment costs. Help us begin serving victims, first responders and volunteers along the East Coast as soon as possible:

Alan also says, "Florence could very well be a storm that is similar to [2017's] Hurricane Harvey in terms of record rainfall. This is because Florence will be coming with immense amounts of moisture and the storm appears poised to stall and meander around the region as it's trapped in a subtropical ridge. As a result... this is adding up to be a very, very serious situation" (emphasis added).

As I stated above, we've placed our Texas and Virginia teams on full alert and have begun making plans to move our mobile kitchens to the areas where they'll do the most good. Please help us prepare to "feed body and soul" in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence. Click here to make a 100-percent, tax-deductible donation now. And thank you, in advance, for your generous support.


Gary LeBlanc
Founder, Mercy Chefs

P.S. If just 100 Mercy Chefs friends can give $100 each, or 200 donors can bless us with a gift of $50, we'll have enough to cover our pre-deployment costs. As you know, Mercy Chefs is a "lean" organization without a lot of deep-pocketed donors. So we rely on the faithfulness of supporters like you to do the work God has called us to do. If you can, please support our pre-deployment efforts with your best tax-deductible gift of any amount. Also, I encourage you to join us in praying for the safety of everyone living in the impact zone of this dangerous storm. Go here to help now: