This past weekend in Panama City while Mercy Chefs was serving 5,000 meals to hurricane victims, a woman sat down with me and shared her story. It's a story of how the generosity of friends like you made a dramatic difference in her life.

+ + No power. No kitchen. Food running out...

When Hurricane Michael hit, authorities instructed residents to “shelter in place,” so she rode out the storm alone with her dog. During the storm, a tree fell on her house and demolished her kitchen. Her car was also damaged and not driveable. With no power, her kitchen in ruins and no transportation, all she had was a small supply of canned tuna and canned soup. By Day Three, her food was running out and her blood sugars had dropped so low that she knew she needed emergency help.

Just then, a neighbor came by, carrying one of the meals from Mercy Chefs. She couldn't believe it -- a chef-prepared dish with chicken, green beans, sweet potato casserole and freshly sliced oranges. Here's what she told me. "That meal saved my life."

But it wasn't just one meal. Day after day for the next three weeks, her neighbors would come to Mercy Chefs and then deliver a meal to this woman.

What she told me next really hit my heart. She said that even beyond the fact that the meals were hot, delicious, and nutritious, she could tell that they were "prepared with love."

+ + Life-giving...

I can't say every meal we serve during a disaster or to a needy family is life-saving. But I know, thanks to your generosity, these Mercy Chefs meals are life-giving! I hear story after story of how a hot meal served in love impacts people in the most amazing ways.

As I noted earlier today, we've set a goal of fully funding at least 2,000 of the holiday meals we'll be serving between now and Christmas.

As of last check, we were still far from reaching out goal. If you haven't done so already, will you help us meet our Giving Tuesday goal of fully funding 2,000 of our holiday meals? Simply click here or on the image below to help sponsor Christmas meals and continue other vital Mercy Chefs outreaches:

Throughout the coming month, we will be hosting special holiday events for disaster victims and hurting families. Your gift of $50 can help provide a full Christmas dinner to 10 folks; $100 feeds 20; $250 feeds 50.  If the Lord has blessed you this year in a special way, perhaps you would consider making a gift of $500 (100 meals), $1,000 (200 meals) or more.

Of course, every gift will help! Go here to make your tax-deductible gift.

Thanks so much for your help today, and your prayerful partnership with Mercy Chefs!

God bless,

Gary LeBlanc
Founder & President, Mercy Chefs