We are closely monitoring this dangerous storm and are working with contacts in Grenada and also Jamaica to provide support. We will have more details soon. Please see below for the latest on our Iowa deployment. --Gary

Alexis and her mom had no idea their lives were about to dramatically change when the sirens went off in the middle of the night last Friday.

The floodwaters that swept through Rock Valley, Iowa, rose so quickly that all they could do was grab the kids and a few diapers and run for safety. "We're lucky that we're alive," Alexis told us. Click on the image below for the rest of their story:

+ + Need help this holiday week...

As I write, our team is working on another day's supply of hot meals for the families here in Iowa whose lives were turned upside down by the record flooding. We're serving thousands of meals this week -- right through July 4th.

Can you help? Go here to sponsor 10, 20, 50, or even 100 or more meals we'll serve this week to Iowa flood victims while we continue other vital efforts.

Thanks, and may God bless you as you bless others.

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs

P.S. We'll need at least 500 friends helping this week by sponsoring meals for Iowa families. Please help. Go here: