Take a look at this...

This photo was taken by our Chef John during one of his recent trips inside Ukraine.

It's one of the paradoxes of war: the signs of massive devastation are everywhere. Bombed out buildings. Abandoned and destroyed vehicles. Massive craters. And yet just around the bend, there's a breathtaking field of sunflowers.

Ukraine is known as the "breadbasket of Europe" and historically has been the world's third-largest exporter of grain. With a population of about 40 million, Ukraine produces enough food in a typical year to feed 500 MILLION people -- more than 10 times its own population.

But drive a short distance from a sunflower field and you're likely to see this...

+ + We're feeding thousands of Ukrainians THIS WEEK

The situation is still so critical that Mercy Chefs recently committed to continue this work into 2023. But to keep this relief effort going, I need help!

Specifically, I'm looking for at least 100 friends to stand with us through this weekend so Mercy Chefs and our partners can get food and vital resources to refugees, orphans and families struggling deep inside Ukraine

Will you partner with Mercy Chefs right now to help feed Ukraine war victims this week? With your help, we can reach thousands of people who are struggling in the midst of a very active war in Ukraine. Go here to make your tax-deductible gift:

With your help, this week we're delivering another 100,000 pounds of food to Ukrainians in need. Most of all, you are helping us bring hope and support to Ukrainians who have endured over six months of war, with no end in sight.

Please continue to pray for the people of Ukraine. And please help as you can. God bless,

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs

Ukraine agriculture data source here.