I cannot even fathom this happening, but it looks like the communities of Southwest Louisiana are about to get hit again.
The current track of Hurricane Delta puts the eye of the storm directly over Lake Charles, where Mercy Chefs deployed after Hurricane Laura devastated that community just over a month ago.
This is a major storm that is expected to bring coastal flooding, heavy rains, high winds, downed trees and widespread power outages as it comes ashore TODAY to a region that is still in the early stages of recovery from Laura. One of the neighborhoods that was decimated by Laura just got power back on Monday of last week. New electric lines and infrastructure will certainly be taken down again. Many homes have yet to be repaired and now face even more devastating damage as blue tarps are no match for a hurricane.
This is a time of uncertainty and fear, even terror, for the people of Southwest Louisiana.
As I write, Mercy Chefs is ready for a full deployment to the region. Our largest mobile kitchen ("the Beast") is on the road. A second kitchen is staged in Panama City. We are assembling our teams just outside the strike zone. As soon as the storm passes, Mercy Chefs will move in. My hope is that we will be serving our first meals as soon as Saturday. So much depends on the track and severity of the storm.
This is a critical 24-48 hours. Your support right now is absolutely vital. Will you partner with Mercy Chefs as we stand on the brink of yet another major disaster deployment? Go here to make your tax-deductible gift directly to Mercy Chefs and help us provide hot meals to Delta disaster victims:
2020 just won't stop, so Mercy Chefs will not stop either! We can't stop! We must keep going, especially with this storm impacting a region that is still reeling from Laura.
Finally, please pray for God's mercy and protection for all those potentially in the path of Hurricane Delta -- especially in Southwest Louisiana which was hit so hard just a few weeks ago.
Thank you so much for your prayers and your continued partnership with Mercy Chefs.
God bless,
Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
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