The latest first-time unemployment filings once again topped 1 MILLION -- 1.3 million to be precise. Analysts are concerned that the "challenges to economic recovery are multiplying." According to Bloomberg, the numbers indicate that "economic pain remains widespread."

We're still seeing the effects of the economic recession/depression all across the country. This month, we'll provide more than 500,000 meals and the demand is showing no signs of letting up.

+ + Drone footage: lines and lines of cars coming for help

I wanted you to see this drone footage that captures what a regular distribution day looks like at one of our larger Farmers to Families distribution sites in Claremore, Oklahoma. Please take a moment to watch. It is not uncommon for us to see lines and lines of cars waiting for help. Go here

As I noted to you, July is typically a difficult month financially for Mercy Chefs. We need friends like you from across the country to partner with us between now and the end of the month just to keep up with the demand.

Would you prayerfully consider how you can help this weekend?

Go here to make a tax-deductible contribution of $30, $50, $100 or more and help provide meals to hurting families and elderly shut-ins across the country:

During this crisis, the Lord has opened doors for Mercy Chefs to MULTIPLY your donation and reach even more people. That means right now...

  • $30 helps feed 60 PEOPLE during this crisis
  • $50 helps feed 100 PEOPLE
  • $75 helps feed 150 PEOPLE
  • $100 helps feed 200 PEOPLE

Thank you and God bless you!

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs

P.S. It would really help if we could hear from about 300 friends this weekend. The need in the coming 7-10 days is really unprecedented for Mercy Chefs during the summer months. We simply couldn't have planned to provide 500,000 meals in July! Please help. Thanks in advance, and go here:

If you prefer to send your gift by check, go here for mailing instructions.