I'm here in Maui and the magnitude of this disaster is overwhelming. Yet everywhere, we see signs of hope. Please see below, and prayerfully consider sponsoring 10, 20, 50 or even 100 meals for Maui wildfire victims. --Gary

As our Mercy Chefs team walked through neighborhoods offering hot meals, we met this man whose entire house burned down. 

He had been sifting through the ashes like he was looking for a needle in a haystack. 

Miraculously -- among the piles of ash and burned debris that used to be his home -- he was able to find his and his wife’s wedding bands. It was a shining glimmer of hope amongst the ruin.

Moments like these leave us in awe as we get to serve these extremely resilient people. Many survivors have returned to comb through the little, if anything, left of their lives they had just a few days ago. Yet they do so with so much courage. 

I want to do everything in our power to come alongside the many families who have lost loved ones and lost all their earthly belongings.

Will you help? Go here to sponsor hot meals for Maui wildfire victims and volunteers:

As I'm writing, we're still finishing up lunch service here in Maui. Our teams will then get started on dinner. We still have thousands of meals to serve to wildfire victims TODAY!

Please help as you can. And please continue to pray for the people of Maui.

God bless,

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs