Everything we do here at Mercy Chefs depends on the faithfulness and generosity of supporters like you and volunteers who help us during our deployments.

As you know, we've been deployed in Western Kentucky since just hours after the tornado struck back in December. Now, through our Beacon of Hope Kitchen in Paducah, we're providing a base of long-term relief with hot meals and housing for recovery teams who are coming to the area.

Fred, one of our volunteers, has truly gone the "extra mile." About 360 extra miles to be specific! Shortly after the tornado struck, Fred drove those 360 miles and, on his own, found a community in need of help. He began serving hot dogs and anything he could find to tornado victims. Then he heard about Mercy Chefs.

As he came to our Beacon of Hope, he began to weep because he knew this was precisely what these communities needed that he couldn't provide on his own. He said he could volunteer through the next morning, but when he heard about our need for delivery drivers, he took on that task. Twice daily for the next ten days, Fred drove 45 miles one way to deliver hot meals to a hurting community. 

On his last day, he cried with us again. He was so moved by the impact of the Mercy Chefs meals on the people in Western Kentucky.

This week, we're continuing this lifeline of hope for the people of Kentucky whose lives are still turned upside down by the tornado strike. Another blast of winter and cold weather is descending on the region, but the meals continue. And thanks to you... along with wonderful friends like Fred... chef-prepared meals will reach hurting folks across the western half of Kentucky.

Could you help us this week? We'll provide thousands of meals to tornado victims -- in addition to other vital outreaches taking place through Mercy Chefs. Each meal depends on a faithful partner like you. Just $50 will help sponsor about 14 meals; $100 will feed about 7 families of four. Go here to make your tax-deductible gift:

Finally, thank you so much for your ongoing prayers and support for those who are suffering, and for our staff and volunteers. Every day, it is our desire to meet the needs in the best way possible. Your support really makes a difference.

God bless,

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs