This week as our team is wrapping up our response to the tornado that hit Virginia Beach, we are left with the stories of those who faced the shock and horror these storms bring.
While we were serving meals in the community, we met a woman who re-lived the fear she felt the night the tornado struck. As soon as the tornado alert sounded on her phone, she quickly moved to the safest area of her home. As she huddled for safety, she said it sounded as if her entire house went crashing down around her.
After the storm passed, she was amazed to discover that her Bible was still sitting in place on a table. As she shared her story, she was a bit surprised that our team was offering her a nutritious, hot meal. At first, she wanted to turn us down but decided instead to accept the meal and our prayers.
Often in life, it's the small signs that signal hope. Like when the family Bible somehow survives the storm unscathed. Or when friends you've just met bring a hot meal to your door.
Thanks to friends like you, Mercy Chefs is able to respond in the aftermath of disaster and provide thousands of meals full of hope of a brighter future. Because of you, we can deploy immediately after a storm strikes, often serving meals within 24 hours of when the disaster hits.
With your help, every week Mercy Chefs is also providing thousands of meals to those facing hardship here in America and countries around the world.
Thank you so much for partnering with us and may God bless you richly!
Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
P.S. In the past few weeks, Mercy Chefs has deployed in response to three tornadoes and we are just now heading into peak tornado season with hurricane season to follow. We rely on our monthly supporters to carry us through the peak disaster seasons while we continue to feed thousands every week. Would you consider making a monthly gift of $30 or $50 to help us feed even more people? Go here to help us feed hurting families monthly:
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