I hope you saw my update yesterday regarding a huge turnaround Mercy Chefs is taking part in -- helping farmers turn food that was going to be wasted into meals for hurting people who are struggling during the coronavirus crisis.
Today, our pilot "Farmers to Families" program in Oklahoma will deliver enough food for about 6,000 meals for hurting families. I want to expand this program to other states in the next two weeks, but I need help today to move forward! Please take a moment right now to partner with Mercy Chefs to help turn food that was going to be wasted into life-supporting meals for hurting folks during this crisis.
And see my message below with more details on Mercy Chefs' "Farmers to Families" program.
God bless!
Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
P.S. It was painful to hear the reports of vegetable growers in Florida leaving their crops in the field to rot or Wisconsin dairies pouring milk down the drain or Idaho potato farmers with no place for their produce -- all while millions of Americans are struggling financially and even waiting in long lines for food. That's why this program is so vital. I've stepped out in faith. Without friends like you partnering with us, I cannot expand or even continue this outreach that could reach tens of thousands of people every day. Please go here to make your tax-deductible gift, and thanks in advance!
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