As you may know, Mercy Chefs is in the midst of a very important Year-End Matching Challenge campaign that will match every dollar you donate until we reach the $50,000 goal.

It is very important that we meet this goal as we finish what has been an unprecedented year of crisis and disaster. Record hurricanes and a global pandemic have left millions in urgent need. Mercy Chefs has stepped forward to meet this need. This year alone, we have provided SEVEN MILLION meals -- more than double our total meals since our founding.

+ + I can't "unsee" the need

This year has changed me. The level of need that we've encountered has broken me down personally. I just can't "unsee" the need...

Everywhere we went, we saw the face of urgent need. People would patiently stand in lines six blocks long so their family could get a hot meal from Mercy Chefs. The drive-up lines would stretch two miles or more. 

I think of the woman in Pensacola whose car was flooded up to the door handles. Her home was flooded as well. Carpets were soaked. Mold was growing in the walls. It broke my heart as we delivered meals to her and her elderly mom.

A man came with his wife to Mercy Chefs. A tree had fallen on their bedroom. Somehow, their lives were spared. "Is there any way you can help?" he asked. 

And then there's the children. So many kids have been caught in the crossfire of the economic disruption caused by the pandemic. They don't fully understand what happened this year. I'm grateful that Mercy Chefs has been able to feed so many.

The fact is, there are families who will not be able to put food on their table if we stop doing what we're doing. I simply cannot turn away. I will not turn away.

That's why I'm asking for your help with this $50,000 Year-End Matching Challenge. We need to reach at least 25% of our goal by this weekend. Will you help?

Will you partner with me to meet this incredible need all around us right now?  Go here to make your tax-deductible gift to Mercy Chefs, doubled by this Matching Challenge:

It seemed as if 2020 just would not stop. Every week brought a new crisis. I hope and pray that 2021 will be different, but everything inside me tells me that the need is only going to increase. 

Seven million meals in 2020. And with each meal, we have handed out hope. We have offered dignity and support to families that are struggling to find their footing. Thank you so much for making this ministry of "just feeding people" possible, and I look forward to hearing from you.

God bless,

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs

P.S.  Every dollar you donate will effectively be doubled by this Year-End Challenge Grant. Your gift of $50 will have the impact of $100; $100 will be doubled to $200; $250 becomes $500, and so on. Please help. Go here:

Please note that every gift made online before the end of the year will count toward the Matching Challenge. If you prefer to write a check, your gift must be postmarked by December 31. Go here for mailing instructions.