It's Ann LeBlanc with Mercy Chefs. 

I have been in Turkey at the epicenter, witnessing the terrible conditions the two earthquakes left in their wake. With 47,000 having perished, hundreds of thousands of homes destroyed and 26 million needing assistance, our Mercy Chefs team is here to help!

Our mobile field kitchens are open, providing hot meals and resources to thousands in need.

Because of the support of dear friends like you, we are seeing firsthand hope coming back into the eyes of those impacted by this horrific disaster. 

+ + This woman's amazing gift...

The other day, I asked this lovely lady if I could take a picture with her after she came back to our kitchen to return a blessing. Her house was destroyed, yet through the pain and chaos, she wanted to thank Mercy Chefs for being in her village to serve and help her community. She didn't have much to give but a small bunch of flowers from what was left from her garden, and an orange.

I was so touched by her kindness, which gave me and the team a fresh reminder that no matter how small of a gift, it can still impact millions of lives.

If you or anyone you know is looking for a way to help those in Turkey/Syria who have lost so much, we could use your support! In fact, we're feeding thousands of hurting earthquake victims today. Go here to help feed 10, 50 or even 100 earthquake victims:

Your gift will directly help feed the body and soul for hurting people looking for help and hope during this challenging time.

God Bless You,

Ann LeBlanc, Co-Founder
Mercy Chefs