Mercy Chefs is facing a crisis at the border in McAllen, Texas.

As you may know, we've been in McAllen for several months serving folks who are coming to America legally -- mostly women and their children who are right in the midst of our nation's political storm at the border. It's heartbreaking. The children often just weep when we first encounter them. The only thing that stops the crying is a hot meal and fresh fruit.

To be blunt, this deployment has been a massive drain on our resources. Since our arrival, Mercy Chefs has served over 100,000 meals -- averaging at times as many as 2,000 meals per dayThe costs have continued to mount and it's been very difficult to continue feeding folks in Texas especially while we had day and night crews deployed in response to the condo collapse in Florida.

I was even considering ending this deployment, but then the crisis at the border escalated again in recent days. We're continuing to see mothers and children who need our help.

Now I'm at a crossroads....

We have far exceeded our budget for this effort, but the moms and their kids still need our help TODAY!

Again, I can't weigh in on the political storm. Right now, I have hurting people in front of me who need help -- kids who haven't had a decent meal in days or weeks and the only thing that stops the tears is a hot meal.

Between now and the end of the month, Mercy Chefs will serve thousands more meals in McAllen, mostly to moms and young children. Will you help by sponsoring 10, 20, 30 or even 50 or more of those meals?  Go here to make your tax-deductible gift:

As I write, this is the face of the most urgent need in our nation. I can't turn away from these moms and especially their children whose eyes light up when we hand them even a piece of fruit. The whole situation brings to mind Jesus' words....

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me...‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (Matthew 25:35,40)

Will you help me?

Thanks in advance, and God bless.

Gary LeBlanc

P.S. When I was in McAllen, I saw families who had walked across the desert in desperate search of a better life. Again, I can't solve the political crisis in D.C. that is causing this situation to worsen by the day. What I can do is help the hurting. We are way beyond our budget for this deployment. Practically speaking, we should pack up and leave. I don't want to leave, especially because of the kids. But I urgently need help to keep this lifeline of hope open and serving meals. Please sponsor 10, 20, 50, or even 100 meals by going here: