The need here is quite urgent and much larger than we anticipated.
When we answered the call to come back to Eastern Kentucky, we expected to serve 2,000 or perhaps 3,000 meals daily. Our very first day, Mercy Chefs served 5,150 meals. Yesterday, it was more of the same -- people lining up before sunrise and waiting hours for a hot meal.
Folks here are desperate. These communities still haven't recovered from the historic flooding. Then the cold snap hit, causing a water crisis.
In just two days, we've already served about twice as many means as we expected. That means we need twice as much support from friends like you.
Can you help me fill this critical need for the folks here?
The people of Eastern Kentucky continue to amaze us with their strength, resiliency, and ability to focus on the silver linings in life. Many lost everything in the floods and their situation hasn't improved in months. Yet their faces beam with gratitude as they receive one of the meals you are helping us to provide.
Please pray for the people here. And help as the Lord leads. We are relying on your generosity!
God bless,
P.S. We need an influx of $20,000 today to keep pace with the demand for hot meals that we are seeing. Please go here to help:
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