The need here is much greater than what you may be hearing on the news.

Idalia impacted many communities across a very large geographical region where the people were already hurting economically. 

At this point, Mercy Chefs is the only relief organization that is making meals available to drive-up and walk-up victims. We have seen long lines of cars waiting for hot meals. We are also serving search and rescue teams and police departments. We are loading up meals for other relief organizations to deliver. Meals are going out to people in need through every possible means.

Yesterday, Mercy Chefs provided over 10,000 meals, some delivered as far as 90 minutes from our base of operations. Today, I expect the same or perhaps even more as we are still reaching folks who have yet to be helped.

I'm turning to friends like you. Mercy Chefs will provide thousands of meals THIS WEEKEND. Will you partner with me by helping to sponsor 10, 20, 50 or even 100 meals we will serve today and tomorrow? Go here to help Idalia hurricane victims:

Every disaster response presents its unique challenges. Idalia hit mostly rural communities spread out across Florida's Big Bend. This is a very economically challenged area. Many do not have insurance and were struggling greatly before the storm hit. Now things are on the verge of hopelessness.

Please pray. And please help as you can.

God bless,

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs