Your Mercy Chefs team was extremely busy serving meals all weekend at as many as 13 locations across Louisiana. Friday through Sunday, we served 34,855 meals as we continue to meet urgent needs and answer calls for help.

As of this morning there were still around 200,000 people without power -- now powerless for two weeks. On top of everything, another tropical storm is making landfall in Texas today and is expected to bring additional heavy rains and potential flooding back to this hard-hit area.

This week we will begin our transition to long-term recovery support, but today, our team was once again up before dawn preparing thousands of meals for disaster victims.

We need about 500 friends to partner with us and sponsor meals in the next 24 hours as we continue to provide this lifeline of hope to disaster victims. Will you join with Mercy Chefs by helping to sponsor the meals we are serving today and tomorrow? Go here to make your gift:

The fact is, this area is going to need our help for weeks and months to come. Some of the coastal communities that were hardest hit are facing very long-term recovery challenges. As we have done in Panama City, my goal is to establish a more permanent base of operations through which we can provide the kind of support this community will need. But right now, we still have the very immediate need of providing hot meals to disaster victims this week.

Thanks in advance for your help at this time, and God bless!