The news today out of Israel is even more troubling. FOXNews is reporting that Israel may now be facing a "3-front war" as attacks are now also coming from Hezbollah in Lebanon to Israel's north. Tens of thousands of troops are being deployed to the north in addition to the full military operation happening on the border with Gaza. Plus, rockets were also fired at Israel from Syria.

In response to the continued escalation of this war for Israel's survival, our Mercy Chefs team has launched a 24-hour Call To Prayer For Israel beginning at 7 a.m. ET TOMORROW (Thursday).

I'm asking every Mercy Chefs friend to sign up for a time slot for this virtual prayer event. Go here to join this 24-hour Call To Prayer For Israel.

Also, we need your help. Mercy Chefs has been getting food and supplies to those in need since this past weekend. Key staff members are scheduled to arrive today. Go here to help rush relief to war victims in Israel, and see our previous update here for more details.
