Help Mercy Chefs bring relief to Louisiana Flood Victims...

Southwest Louisiana has been hit by devastating flooding. More rain has fallen in the Lake Charles area than during the two hurricanes last year, and now this community needs our help once again. Streets were flooded in minutes and emergency officials have received more than 100 rescue calls.

Mercy Chefs received a call from the Lake Charles mayor asking for help. With more rain expected, we have deployed to Lake Charles for a third time in less than 12 months to help provide relief. 

Mercy Chefs has already served thousands of meals to Lake Charles flood victims. Please help by sponsoring meals for flood victims who are still recovering from last year's hurricanes.

Just $50 helps provide 20 meals during disaster deployments while helping to continue other vital efforts. If you can contribute $100 you'll be helping feed 40 people. Perhaps the Lord has blessed you, and you can sponsor 100 meals ($250), 200 meals ($500), or even 400 meals ($1,000). Please use the form below to make your best possible, tax-deductible gift to Mercy Chefs. Thank you and God bless you!

To support Mercy Chefs by check, please print this page and mail it with your check to: Mercy Chefs, c/o Grassroots Action, P.O. Box 9095, Chesapeake, VA 23321


Contributions are tax deductible.