Sunday from Lake Charles
My team is finishing serving lunch. Dinner prep starts immediately. The need is urgent and growing. Please go here to help sponsor meals, and see below for my latest update. --Gary
Yesterday, I shared with you about a very difficult situation involving an indigent care facility that seemed to have been abandoned. It was a very serious situation and we were prepared to help as much as possible. But we also knew these folks needed even more help. So we started to spread the word with our contacts, and I'm relieved to report to you that last night, officials moved to evacuate the facility.
Because our team is among the first to find the desperate needs in a disaster stricken community, we often play a role far beyond providing meals. We help open channels of communication and get resources flowing to where they are most urgently needed. Today, we're providing meals to a few other facilities that are also facing desperate conditions. I'm actually hoping these facilities will be evacuated as well -- the folks just can't manage the situation without additional help. For now, we're making sure they get lunch and dinner -- and helping with other urgent needs as resources allow.
Because our team is among the first to find the desperate needs in a disaster stricken community, we often play a role far beyond providing meals. We help open channels of communication and get resources flowing to where they are most urgently needed. Today, we're providing meals to a few other facilities that are also facing desperate conditions. I'm actually hoping these facilities will be evacuated as well -- the folks just can't manage the situation without additional help. For now, we're making sure they get lunch and dinner -- and helping with other urgent needs as resources allow.
+ + The situation here is still very urgent
The situation here in Lake Charles is still quite urgent. Officials are working to get basic services restored -- power and water as the priority. Because the storm hit just before pay day, many of the most financially challenged residents didn't have the resources to evacuate. Now, they are coming to us, often weeping. I can't even express to you how grateful they are to receive a chef-prepared, high-quality, hot meal. They almost can't believe it.
There are so many urgent needs. Our team is doing anything we can to help. One man, a double amputee, came for a meal. We charged his wheelchair while he enjoyed a meal you helped provide.
+ + My heart is breaking for Lake Charles...
My heart is breaking for this community and the surrounding communities. I want to do more. Calls for help are coming in and I need to ramp up to 15,000 meals a day as fast as possible. But to do so, we are going to need help from friends across the country.
Once again, I'm turning to our faithful Mercy Chefs friends. Will you help sponsor hot meals for Hurricane Laura disaster victims while we continue other vital efforts? Go here to make your tax-deductible gift directly to Mercy Chefs:
If you have supported this work in the past 24-48 hours, THANK YOU SO MUCH. If not, please help today! We need every Mercy Chefs friend standing with us. The need here is that critical. Just $50 will help sponsor 20 meals; $100 will help us provide 40 meals.
Finally, please be praying for those who have been hit by the worst storm anyone here can recall. Yesterday was a rough day. We witnessed many tears and many heavy hearts as people are still trying to get their bearings and figure out what to do next. The next several days are going to be just as difficult for the folks here. That's where your prayers and financial support come in. Thanks for helping Mercy Chefs be a lifeline of hope for so many.
God bless,
Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
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