A major snowstorm has blanketed Texas, Oklahoma and the southern plains, and another storm is expected this week. Our Mercy Chefs team was hard at work in advance of the storm, providing a "pop-up" food distribution before the snow started. Cars were lined up all the way to the highway. We also have a dozen food box distributions slated for the impacted region this week. In addition, Mercy Chefs was in Wyoming for food box distributions in sub-zero temperatures.
In all, this week we will see hundreds of thousands of meals distributed -- and we are on the verge of a major expansion of our participation in the U.S.D.A. "Farmers to Families" program across the East Coast.
We need the help of every Mercy Chefs team member this week! Will you sponsor 100 meals (just $50) for hurting families here at home, or even 200 or more? Go here to make your tax-deductible gift, and click here for more details from our previous update.
God bless,
Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
P.S. If you haven't yet helped this month as we expand our food distributions here at home, PLEASE DO SO TODAY! If you already helped, thank you so much! Your gift is making a difference right now.
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