Sadly, our nation's economic crisis isn't going away. Economists are now losing hope in a quick turnaround. Please see below, and go here to help provide vital meals to those who are hurting. --Gary

This week, we'll provide about 250,000 meals. And the need seems to have no end in sight, especially with millions facing economic catastrophe.

+ + Troubling economic news

Another TWO MILLION people filed new unemployment claims this past week. Three months into this crisis, we are still seeing new unemployment filings that would have challenged the all-time records prior to this year. In total, 46 million have filed for unemployment. About one-in-five workers are relying on unemployment.

That's why we're still seeing long lines and incredible demand for help from Mercy Chefs.
Never before in our history have we been in more places and provided more meals than right now.

+ + Doors keep opening to reach more people!

This week on the Florida Panhandle, our second Farmers to Families base of operations began providing thousands of meals to communities all across the Panhandle and into neighboring states. As this program continues to grow, we fully expect we will have a similar impact to what we are seeing in Oklahoma, where over the course of the past month, our Farmers to Families outreach has served a staggering 750,000 people.

Then there's Puerto Rico, where we are working with our partners across the island to bring much-needed food to communities that have been hit hard by the coronavirus crisis. Yesterday, we were in Ponce. Earlier this week our team was delivering meals in Dorado, San Juan and Maniti. In all, we're partnering with 35 churches who are closest to the need as we help to share love and hope through nutritious food.

+ + Huge challenge...

As I look ahead to the coming days and weeks, we have a huge challenge, and an enormous ministry opportunity. But to keep pace with this unprecedented level of outreach, we need a substantial influx of support -- about $50,000 -- between now and the end of the month.

Will you help? Every dollar you donate will go to help reach hurting people right now. Go here to make your tax-deductible gift:

Every time the Lord has opened a door during this crisis, we've stepped out in faith. As a result, Mercy Chefs is reaching more people in more ways than ever before. But that means we need more friends to partner with us than ever before!

Can I count on your help this weekend as we continue to meet this need and get ready to provide tens of thousands more meals in the coming week?

Thank you in advance for your partnership and God bless you!

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs

P.S. Historically, $50 helps provide 50 meals. During this crisis we are reaching even more people with every dollar donated. Every gift will make a difference. If the Lord has financially blessed you and you can donate $500, $1,000, or more, your gift be a great blessing at this critical time. Go here to help:

(If you prefer to send your gift by check, go here for mailing instructions.)