Persecuted Pakistani Christians Urgently Need Help...
Sadly, thousands of Christians in Pakistan face a life of hard labor, often paying them less than two dollars a day. This keeps Christian communities in desperate poverty.
To make matters worse, persecution is on the rise. This spring on Good Friday, 20 Christians families had their homes burned to the ground in a blatant act of religious persecution. Now, these and other families are in a struggle for their lives and they urgently need our help!
Help us get meals and vital cooking supplies to these families...
These families urgently need help.Mercy Chefs is standing with Christian families who are coming under attack in Pakistan. With your help, we can provide these families with temporary shelter, food to sustain them through this crisis, and basic cooking essentials.
Please help these persecuted Christian families in Pakistan who face slave labor and blatant attacks! God bless you!
To support Mercy Chefs by check, please print this page and mail it with your check to: Mercy Chefs, c/o Grassroots Action, P.O. Box 9095, Chesapeake, VA 23321 (internal use: mc_pakistan)