Yesterday, our Mercy Chefs team was hard at work providing hot meals to the people of Texas who have been hit so hard by the winter storms and cold. In all, we served approximately 6,000 meals, focused primarily in a region of South Dallas where the people were facing economic hardships before the power outages and the disruption of the water supply across Texas.
Once again, we saw long lines of folks coming for the hot meals you helped provide...
My heart aches every time I see crowds of people who need help in a time of crisis. These were tough times already for so many families, made even tougher by the recent weather. I'm so grateful that Mercy Chefs has been able to bring practical relief in the form of hot meals and drinking water to tens of thousands.
Today, we're providing thousands more meals. Simply put, we still need the support of friends like you. Every meal we serve is made possible by faithful friends like you. Go here to make your tax-deductible gift as we provide hot meals in Texas and continue other vital efforts:
Perhaps you can sponsor 20 meals ($50) or 40 meals ($100). Every gift will help. Thanks in advance!
God Bless,
Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
P.S. If you missed this, Mercy Chefs was featured on The Weather Channel earlier this week. Go here to see the video, and thanks so much for partnering with us!
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