I want to share with you an "inside look" at one of Mercy Chefs' community kitchens that is providing thousands of hot meals to those in need this week...
Go here to see our community kitchen team at work!
The quality and quantity of meals that our teams can create at such a low cost is really quite amazing. We prepare both hot meals and ready-to-heat meals for seniors, shut-ins and hurting families. I'm talking about hand-crafted, chef-quality meals that change the environment for those who receive them. Those on the receiving end of your generosity are blown away that someone cares enough to prepare for them what is likely the best meal they will have all week.
And this outreach is growing.
Earlier this month, we launched our Mercy Chefs Nashville Community Kitchen and already that facility is having an impact on the most troubled communities in that city. We are also expanding our efforts through our Virginia kitchen which is providing both hot and ready-to-heat meals to some of the hardest hit communities. Plus, this week we're providing meals to healthcare heroes as well as disadvantaged children through our Panama City kitchen.
This is all in addition to the 22 meal box distributions that will provide thousands of pounds of food and many thousands of meals to those in need from Virginia to Oklahoma.
+ + We are SHORT this month
It's all part of Mercy Chefs' commitment to provide help and hope to hurting families during this year-long coronavirus crisis. But to keep up this unprecedented level of outreach going, WE NEED YOUR HELP THIS WEEK!
As of this morning, we were far below our budgeted need for March. I'm asking every Mercy Chefs friend to prayerfully consider how you can help. Then, go here to sponsor meals for hurting families during this crisis, while we continue other efforts:
This week, we'll reach tens of thousands with your help. I want to do even more. Thanks in advance for partnering with us THIS WEEK to help feed families!
God bless,
Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
P.S. Tomorrow, we have a Mercy Chefs team leaving for Honduras, a nation that is still struggling from the two devastating hurricanes and catastrophic flooding that left countless thousands homeless. I'll be sharing more with you. But right now, I need your help. As I noted, we are far below our budgeted financial support for March. Every day, we step out in faith trusting that the Lord will provide through friends like you. Please help me reach hurting families this week. Go here:
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