As I've been sharing, the situation here in the Bahamas with THOUSANDS of hurricane evacuees is almost overwhelming. More and more are coming every day, and our team here has been struggling to do everything we can to get hot meals to as many people as possible.
Today, we had a breakthrough. My team was able to secure a tilt skillet that will greatly expand our daily meal capacity. The skillet is being transported to Florida today, and we hope it will arrive here in the Bahamas as soon as tomorrow.
But here's what that means...
+ + With your help, we can reach more people!
By this weekend, our Mercy Chefs team in the Bahamas could DOUBLE our daily meal capacity! This is an exciting breakthrough, because many of the evacuees coming to the shelters are in rough shape. We are seeing more and more reports of illness -- some haven't had a hot meal since the hurricane struck. Many of the kids are facing dysentery, and we worry about malnutrition. They need FRESH FRUIT and HOT, NUTRITIOUS MEALS.
But the groceries here are costing us at least THREE TIMES what we would pay in the U.S. in large part due to the storm. And with our meal output likely doubling by this weekend, our food costs alone will more than double!
Simply put, we need your help!
We stepped out and secured the commercial oven and the tilt skillet to double our meal capacity. Now, with food costs critically high, I need friends like you to partner with Mercy Chefs so we can reach thousands of additional people every day starting this weekend. Can you help us meet this need right now? EVERY GIFT WILL HELP US FEED HURRICANE VICTIMS THIS WEEK while we continue other efforts. Go here to make your tax-deductible gift:
I can't emphasize enough how important it is that Mercy Chefs is providing HOT, NUTRITIOUS MEALS and FRESH FRUIT to the evacuees. Fresh produce is extremely expensive right now here. Kids are coming back for seconds and thirds for fresh fruit. You would have thought we were offering some rare chocolates or candy. They couldn't get enough of the fresh fruit!
There's so much more to share with you, but quite frankly our days are consumed with getting these meals prepared and responding to all the requests for help that are coming in. I'll be sharing some major developments with you soon about how Mercy Chefs is being asked to help in a MAJOR WAY on Grand Bahama that will impact thousands of hurricane victims on that devastated island.
For now, I need your help to feed these evacuees. We have secured a tilt skillet. It's in Florida today, and we are hoping to have it here in the Bahamas by tomorrow or at the latest Friday. By this weekend, we could DOUBLE our meal capacity. BUT WE CAN'T DO IT WITHOUT FRIENDS LIKE YOU!
Thank you for your continued prayers on behalf of the people here, and for our team as we work to provide the best possible help and support to the hurricane victims.
God bless!
Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
P.S. We just brought two more chefs to the island as my team prepares for the arrival of the new equipment that will DOUBLE our meal capacity. We could be serving thousands of additional evacuees daily by this weekend. But to do so, I need friends like you to stand with us and HELP SPONSOR EVERY MEAL. Just $50 will help sponsor 20 meals; $100 will help feed 40 evacuees. Please give as the Lord leads! Go here:
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