Mercy Chefs has been asked to fill a SPECIAL NEED this weekend for children in one of the hardest hit areas of Houston.

The school district has asked Mercy Chefs to step in and provide special Weekend Grocery Bags for these children to help carry them through the weekend. Our team is putting together bags that include: fresh food, mac and cheese, cereal bars, oatmeal and ramen noodles.

Each grocery bag costs about $3.25, and we've been asked to help 1,000 children this weekendThis is in addition to the hot meals we are providing through this weekend. Yesterday, we discovered two elderly care facilities that hadn't had hot meals since last Thursday. Our team rushed them food for dinner. Also, Mercy Chefs is now supplying the meals for the Red Cross.

Mercy Chefs is STANDING IN THE GAP for the families here -- especially the children and the elderly who have been hit hard during what became an extended power outage after the derecho hit.

Can you help us today through this weekend as we continue to bring relief to thousands in Houston? Just $32.50 will help 10 kids in Houston make it through the weekend; $70 will provide 20 hot meals. Go here to help sponsor kids this weekend and hot meals for Houston families:

If just 100 friends step forward to donate $32.50 today, we'll have the kids covered through the weekend. We need about 1,000 friends to help sponsor hot meals. Of course, every gift will help.

Please pray for these families and help as you can!

God bless,

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs

P.S. The heat here is almost unbearable. Our car thermometer registered 102 degrees yesterday, and it's supposed to be EVEN HOTTER today through the weekend. This makes matters even worse for families trying to get back on their feed. Go here to help: