I have a very important update to share with you on our work in Uganda.

Our partner in Kaaboong -- one of the poorest regions of Uganda -- contacted us to let us know that a main water well in the area stopped functioning.

Mothers have been forced to drink and gather water for their families from dirty, contaminated puddles because there is no source of safe, drinkable water.

I want to rush whatever resources are necessary to replace this well with a fully functioning well that can serve this community. We also are looking into establishing the piping necessary to deliver drinking water to a second community so we can serve two villages that are in desperate need.

Can you help today with this special need so we can get this well working as soon as possible?

Go here to help our friends in Uganda:

+ + Desperate Conditions....

We also need your continued support to feed hospital patients who would otherwise face serious malnutrition. As I write, Mercy Chefs and our partners are providing two meals daily to about 250 hospital patients every day.

In the month prior to when our feeding program began, 150 hospital patients perished, mostly from malnutrition.

As you can see, families in Uganda urgently need help. We must get a new well operating as soon as possible. And hospital patients are relying on the generosity of friends like you for their survival every day!

Please pray for this desperate situation. And help as you can!

 Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs