We are needing help on many fronts for our Beacon of Hope Kitchen in Paducah.
As a practical matter, we need support from friends like you THIS WEEK as we continue to provide hot meals to disaster victims and volunteers helping with the recovery in the communities we're serving across Western Kentucky.
Every day our team is preparing and delivering high-quality, chef-prepared meals to tornado victims. And every day we depend on friends like you. If you can help by sponsoring 10, 20, or even 50 hot meals we'll serve this week, go here to make your tax-deductible gift:
Also, if you live in the vicinity of Western Kentucky or know someone who does, we could use your help as a volunteer! Yesterday our team put out a call for drivers to deliver meals to the communities we are reaching. We also need help in the kitchen. If you or someone you know can volunteer, go here.
+ + FOXNews features Mercy Chefs!
Finally, on Tuesday FOXNews' website featured an excellent article on our work in Western Kentucky. Go here to see that article. In recent weeks, we've seen several media outlets feature our work. We are grateful for the help in bringing awareness to the ongoing struggles facing tornado victims.
The generosity and support of friends like you makes this mission of mercy possible! Thank you so much and God bless!
Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
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