Sending a quick note to express my gratitude for the stand you are taking with Mercy Chefs. The prayers and support of friends like you helped Mercy Chefs reach more than TWO MILLION people in April alone! I am so thankful for your partnership as we continue to help those who are facing crisis situations.
My staff just completed the latest edition of SURGE -- our online magazine that gives you more insights into how Mercy Chefs is reaching out with meals that change lives. Go here or click on the image to access the latest issue of SURGE:
Our lead story in SURGE highlights a "historic milestone" for Mercy Chefs -- TEN MILLION MEALS! You'll also find reports on our response to the massive winter storm in Texas and our ongoing outreach in Honduras.
So much more is just ahead. For example, this week I was in California for the official launch of our West Coast mobile kitchen. I'm thrilled that this kitchen will give us a way to quickly respond to disasters on the West Coast such as the wildfires that sadly are becoming more and more frequent. We'll be sharing more with you on this soon.
For now, thanks for standing with Mercy Chefs, and may God bless you!
Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
P.S. If you haven't had the opportunity to donate recently, we certainly could use your help right now! As I noted, we reached TWO MILLION people last month, and we are continuing to expand to meet the needs of hurting families. Go here to make your tax-deductible gift:
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