The Mercy Chefs team visited a shelter in Santa Lucía, Guatemala, yesterday to deliver medicine, children's clothing and other basic necessities to victims of last week's Volcán de Fuego eruption. We also brought bubbles and Frisbees® for the children there. I wish you could have seen their faces light up! So much joy!

It didn't take long for them to begin calling me "Santa sin barba," which means "Santa without a beard." Every member of our team was touched by the children's gratitude and joy in the small things. I just love the heart of the people here in Guatemala.

The evacuees in this shelter had to leave their homes because they were at risk for potential mudslides and flash floods from the excess rain here over the past week. Depending on future weather patterns, they could be in that shelter for two days or two weeks. No one knows for sure. Please pray that the rain holds and that these people can return home safely soon.

While we join the locals here in praying for life to return to normal this week, Mercy Chefs is providing food to a church in Guatemala City. The pastors and staff there are working to deliver meals and other resources to families returning home to the region around Volcán de Fuego.

We've also provided financial resources to purchase medicine for doctors caring for volcano victims in shelters. There's still a big need here, so we continue to meet and work with area pastors who are looking to help us. Please support Mercy Chefs' efforts to continue being part of the solution in Guatemala!

Click here or on the link below to make a tax-deductible donation to Mercy Chefs' outreach efforts to victims of last week's Volcán de Fuego eruption:

We urgently need your support to love and care for these precious people. Please partner with us today to feed body and soul in Guatemala. Click here to make a tax-deductible gift of any amount.

Mercy Chefs is doing what we can to feed body and soul in the aftermath of a devastating volcanic eruption that buried entire communities in volcanic ash and killed approximately 200 people last week. We urgently need your support to provide food, medicine, clothing and other relief aid. Your tax-deductible gift of $50, $100 or more today would be greatly appreciated. Go here to make a tax-deductible donation of any amount to support Mercy Chefs' Guatemala outreach, as we continue other vital efforts.

Steve Elliott


Steve Elliott is the co-founder of Grassfire, a 1.5 million member liberty-based citizen network. Steve likes to talk about politics, tech, faith and family.