Many people with pressing physical needs have been coming to us in recent days. Just yesterday, seven people came to us for a meal using a walker. We prayed for a woman and her son. They didn't know what to do as she was on her last oxygen tank, and many medical facilities are still closed.
We've also seen family after family with young kids coming for meals.
I'm torn. Today is our final day of full deployment here in Florida, but quite honestly we've exhausted both our physical and human resources. In all, your support has helped us serve over 100,000 meals here in Florida, and my team is already planning our return in just a few weeks to help during the holiday season.
But for today, I'm turning to you once again. This week alone, we'll serve about 15,000 meals -- three weeks after the hurricane hit! And we are short of our funding goal just for this week by several thousand dollars.
This deployment has been extremely difficult, and extremely rewarding. Mercy Chefs has played a vital role in providing practical relief in the weeks immediately following this devastating hurricane. And with your help, we'll continue to feed body and soul here in Florida and many other communities in the days to come.
Thank you and may God bless you!
Gary LeBlanc
Founder & President, Mercy Chefs
P.S. Here's the nice lady who is facing medical challenges and was so grateful for Mercy Chefs' hot meals. Thanks so much for making this ministry possible!
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