Our team is on the ground in Ukraine within a few miles of the front lines of the fighting. For safety and security reasons, I can't divulge specifics of their location, but where we are serving is very much in the "hot zone" of the war. From our team:

"In the distance you can hear non-stop explosions. Air raid sirens are going off almost 24/7."

Despite the constant signs of war, our team is amazed by the determination of the people here...

"People really just keep living their lives as if there was not shelling taking place just a few miles away."

This is the great paradox of this war. Since last summer, 5 million Ukrainians have returned home even though the fighting continues. With air raid sirens blaring and the sound of explosions having become the background noise of their lives, the people of Ukraine are trying to rebuild their lives.

Mercy Chefs is serving right on the front lines. To our knowledge, no other organizations are serving in this region. Our team is on the ground THIS WEEK to provide vital training to local cooks to help improve our efforts to feeds those in the very heart of this struggle.

Can you help me THIS WEEK as we continue to bring a lifeline of hope and practical relief to those in the very crossfire of this horrible war? Go here to help:

Mercy Chefs continues to follow our mission to "Just Go Feed People." Almost a year and a half ago, we followed this call to the border of Ukraine. With your help, we've delivered more than 4 million pounds of food to those inside Ukraine. And right now, we are on the very front lines, helping those who are most urgently in need.

Thank you for your prayers and your support.

May God bless you richly.

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs

P.S. Over the weekend, a beautiful church in Odesa that is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site was seriously damaged by a missile. Every day, there are new tragedies. But every day, we can help provide hope through meals that are reaching all the way to the front lines of this war. Please help. Go here: