The demand for meals has continued to grow all week as word has spread across this region. Yesterday, I shared Tammy's story (see below), of how she was so grateful that she went from a recipient of our meals to a volunteer distributor! She helped us reach dozens more families -- and stories like this are happening more and more as the community finds us through word-of-mouth or local media coverage.

Today, we're expecting long lines again and will serve another 3,000-4,000 meals. The demand has been more than double our initial projections. I'm turning to friends like you. Please go here to make a tax-deductible gift to help Mercy Chefs meet the needs this weekend and continue other vital efforts.

And if you missed it yesterday, please see below for Tammy's story -- just one of the many lives your generosity has impacted!

Gary LeBlanc

P.S. The grocery bills this week are piling up because the need here is still so immense, even five months after the storm. Just $30 will help us feed 12 people; $50 reaches 20 folks. Every gift will help. Please go here: