We never expected this. But there's only one way to respond. Please see below. --Gary

I hope you saw our report from Turkey that our Carl Ladd filed a short time ago (see below). What's happening in Turkey is part of an amazing story of how the Lord is opening doors we never could have imagined as a result of serving people with quality food.

In Turkey, Mercy Chefs and our partners are now being asked to help in even more significant ways because of the way we have served. In Ukraine, we've seen unbelievable miracles in the midst of that horrible war. The millions of pounds of food you have helped us provide have opened opportunities for our partner faith communities to reach their neighbors at this critical point of need. We have even seen churches sprout up in bomb shelters!

Mercy Chefs is now reaching multiple countries in Latin America with both practical food relief and training to equip locals to help feed their communities. We recently provided support and training for a group of Venezuelan pastors on how feeding their communities can open doors of ministry.

In the coming week alone, we'll feed tens of thousands across America and in several countries. But we need help!

Will you partner with me by helping to feed 10, 20, 50 or 100 children and hurting families this month? Go here to help:

When the Lord gave me the vision for Mercy Chefs, He didn't say just feed people in disaster. He said "just go feed people." Over the past year, more doors have opened to feed more people in more ways than ever before. That's why we formally launched Mercy Chefs Global -- so we can just go feed even more people.

Thank you for partnering with us. And thanks for your prayers. 

May God bless you richly,

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs

P.S. Here's the short video Carl Ladd, our Vice President of Mercy Chefs Global, filed recently while in Turkey:

If you are not doing so already, please consider donating MONTHLY and helping feed families all year long! God bless you!