FOXNews asked me to provide a live update on Mercy Chefs' relief efforts in Ukraine. Due to the time zone differences, the interview took place in the middle of the night!
Most importantly, it gave me an opportunity to give a report on what Mercy Chefs is doing to help refugees and those inside Ukraine. Go here to watch:
We need your help this weekend! See below for details on how Mercy Chefs is helping to deliver more than 41,000 pounds of food and resources to people inside Ukraine. I want to do more, but I need your partnership! Go here to help bring relief to the people of Ukraine, and please continue to pray!
God bless,
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(Original message)
Friday Report on Ukraine:
I have a very important update. Today, we are helping to feed thousands of people inside Ukraine. See below and go here to help. --Gary
Today we are moving 22 pallets of food and supplies -- more than 41,000 pounds in all -- from Romania to inside of Ukraine. We are delivering everything directly to a distribution warehouse in Ukraine for repackaging and delivery to hurting families in that country.
This is an enormous amount of food and supplies and a GODSEND for the people we are helping inside Ukraine.
And we're just getting started because the war is not letting up and the need at the border and inside Ukraine is only growing. One million refugees have already fled, and officials are now bracing for up to FOUR MILLION REFUGEES.
In just a few days, we saw the Lord open up a LIFELINE of food and supplies for the Ukrainian people -- everything from warehouse space, to trucks, drivers and the food and supplies. It's been amazing. Now, I want to EXPAND what we're doing and reach as many people as possible.
Will you partner with Mercy Chefs TODAY THROUGH THIS WEEKEND as we reach tens of thousands of Ukrainians? Go here to help sponsor meals and supplies for refugees and those inside Ukraine who are caught in the crossfire of this horrible war:
+ + People helping people... in the midst of tragedy
What's happening in Ukraine is a terrible tragedy. The human suffering is immense. At the same time, it's been amazing to see firsthand how people are coming together to help the refugees and those inside Ukraine who are in the midst of this war. The hospitality of the people of Romania to their Ukrainian neighbors has been overwhelming. Families are sharing their homes. People are coming out to help those who are arriving at the border.
Mercy Chefs is right in the midst of what's happening at the Ukrainian border. Please continue to pray for the people of Ukraine. Pray for all those who are helping the refugees. And as you can, please partner with us as we reach tens of thousands in need.
God bless,
Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs
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