It's been a whirlwind these past five weeks. Since late April, Mercy Chefs has deployed in response to SEVEN natural disasters across three states and Brazil...

  • Sulphur, Oklahoma
  • Barnsdall Oklahoma
  • Columbia, Tennessee
  • Porto Alegre, Brazil
  • Houston, Texas
  • Claremore, Oklahoma
  • Dallas, Texas

+ + 160,000 meals served... thanks to YOU!

For most of these deployments, our teams were on the ground serving meals WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE DISASTER. Those first hours after a storm hits are absolutely critical, which is why we have mobile kitchens and staff strategically positioned to respond immediately.

In all, we served over 160,000 meals during these deployments -- in addition to the tens of thousands more meals that Mercy Chefs provided through our community kitchens and Global outreaches. Each and every meal we served during these disaster deployments was made possible by the faithful partnership of friends like you!

+ + Special request...

That brings me to a special request...

You see, we are still in the height of storm season, and hurricane season just officially began this week. That means I must replenish our supplies immediately to be ready for the next disaster deployment.

Would you consider making a monthly gift to help sponsor meals we'll be serving throughout this summer and into the fall?  Go here to set up a recurring gift and sponsor 10, 20, 50 or even 100 meals every month:

Our monthly supporters are the lifeblood of everything we do! Monthly supporters help make it possible for our team to respond immediately to disaster while we keep providing meals to families facing hardship. For example, this week Mercy Chefs is distributing Family Grocery Boxes to communities hit by tornadoes while our chefs are in Brazil helping keep a critical feeding program providing thousands of meals to flood victims.

In recent weeks, dozens of Mercy Chefs friends have scheduled a monthly gift of $30, $50, or even $100 to help sponsor meals. Scott, Lucy, Tom, Miles, and Ron are just a few Mercy Chefs friends who recently began sponsoring meals monthly.

Thanks so much for your support and your consideration.

May God bless you richly,

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs

P.S. With storm season still upon us and hurricane season just starting, I'm hoping at least 100 new friends will join our team of monthly supporters in June. Go here to donate monthly, and thanks in advance: