Over the summer, we launched our Family Grocery Box outreach with the goal of distributing 50,000 meals to hurting families across this country.

Thanks to friends like you, we were able to DOUBLE that goal and distribute 100,000 meals!

+ + Families across America are struggling...

These Grocery Boxes are proving to be a great blessing for families who are taking on the brunt of these challenging economic times.

Over the past two years, the number of American adults struggling to make ends meet has increased by more than 40%. Far too many kids are going to school hungry. Parents are taking on more and more debt just to try to put food on the table.

That's why Mercy Chefs is expanding our Family Grocery Box effort this Fall with the goal of distributing an additional 20,000 meals next month.

Will you lend a helping hand to a hurting family here at home? Your gift of just $70 will help provide Family Grocery Boxes to two families -- that's 40 meals in all. Every gift will make a difference. Go here to sponsor a family (or two, or three) to receive a Family Grocery Box:

In the next few days, our team will be preparing these hope-filled boxes at our Mercy Chefs Storehouse in Alabama, and then distributing them to surrounding states. These boxes include pantry staples with recipes to help families make up to 20 meals at home.

This is a great way to bless our hurting neighbors here at home.

Thanks so much for your prayerful consideration and may God bless you.

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs

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