The California wildfire crisis continues to expand, and we are still two weeks away from what experts consider the peak wildfire season.

The Carr fire that has devastated the city of Redding (where Mercy Chefs is headquartered) is still less than 50 percent contained and now has consumed over 150,000 acres. The impact on this region is nothing less than shocking. You simply cannot escape the smoke as the air quality has made it hazardous to even go outside without a mask. And more than 1,500 homes and buildings have been destroyed.

Another massive fire more than DOUBLED in size over the weekend and is now the second largest wildfire in state history. Experts fear it could threaten thousands more homes and buildings in the coming days.

+ + We'll serve 2,000 meals today... and tomorrow!

In the midst of this tragedy, the Lord has opened an incredible door of ministry for Mercy Chefs! Yesterday, we served our 16,000th meal to wildfire victims, volunteers and first responders. Today, we'll serve another 2,000-2,500 before the day is done. I expect this pace will continue all week.

I need your help in a big way this week! Before the week is over, we'll have   served over 25,000 meals -- each made possible by the generosity of friends like you.

Today alone, we'll have a $5,000-$6,000 food bill!

Can I count on your help today so Mercy Chefs can continue to respond to the California wildfire crisis that shows no signs of letting up?  Please click here or on the banner below to make your tax-deductible gift right now:

Local officials as well our partner church, Bethel, have been amazed at what is happening around these hot meals. I always say that something amazing happens in the midst of disaster when people sit down for a meal. The trauma counselors here are telling us that they've never seen anything like it. As soon as those impacted by the wildfire begin to eat one of the meals provided by our chefs, they somehow feel safe and can begin to process what just happened to them.

God is opening doors for ministry! But we need YOUR HELP so we can keep serving these meals.

Your gift today will help us serve a hot meal to a California wildfire victim or volunteer THIS WEEK! Please go here now to make your gift

Finally, thank you for your prayers on behalf of all those who have suffered so greatly and are beginning the long process of rebuilding their lives.

God bless!


P.S. Today, one of our team members will accompany families who are returning for the first time to their homes that have been reduced to ash and rubble. We'll provide meals and support. It's heartbreaking. Yet it is our great privilege to be able to serve at this desperate time of need.

We'll serve 2,000-2,500 meals today, and again tomorrow. Will you help by sponsoring 20 meals ($50), 40 meals ($100), or more? If the Lord has blessed you, please prayerfully consider making a gift of $500 (to help sponsor 200 meals), or even $1,000 or more. Thank you in advance for your partnership with us.