In some years, the word comes quickly and easily; in others, it takes time to become clear. As I sought the Lord's guidance for the renewed focus that Mercy Chefs will take as an organization in 2021, I prayed for wisdom... but also for humility.
Advance. Surge. Pursue. Increase.
And now...
Elevate: to raise or lift up to a higher level.
Elevate can also mean "to increase the range" and "to fill with great joy." This is our mission for 2021. My prayer is that we excel in everything we do. My hope is that we uplift and enliven every individual we encounter. My goal is that we uphold the faithfulness of the Father throughout the world. My desire is that we reflect the Son's commandment to love one another in every word we speak and every meal we serve.
But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth. (Exodus 9:16)
We are ready. We are willing. By His grace, we are able.
We are Mercy Chefs.
We are elevating our outreach to have the greatest possible impact. We are working smarter, better, and faster to serve more people in need. We are striving for excellence in all things for the glory of the King.
Thank you for your steadfast support. We cannot do what we do without you.
God bless you,
Gary LeBlanc
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