A few days ago, our team encountered the worst flood damage we've seen during this deployment to eastern Kentucky.

It was in the small town of Fisty. Homes and vehicles were totally destroyed by the floodwaters. And debris was everywhere, as if a bomb had gone off. It's hard to imagine how large the massive wall of rising water was that caused the destruction.

Our team was still in shock when we met Tiffany (pictured here) from that community who was grateful just to survive the flood. Tiffany shared that her mother had lost her home in the waters. Even worse, neighbors on both sides and across the street had lost their lives in the flood. In all, 12 people died within a two-mile radius of that devastated community.

It is actually a bit overwhelming to hand meals to people in a community who have lost so much. We saw shocked stares in many eyes, but also amazing gratitude for the hot meals you helped provide.

{{recipient.first_name_or_friend}}, these hot meals are a lifeline of practical relief and hope for these good folks, and I need your help to keep this lifeline going. Will you partner with me today to help sponsor meals for flood victims and volunteers? Go here to make your tax-deductible gift:

These communities are resilient, but the devastation of this flood has almost broken them. We see it in their eyes. As I write, our team is serving and delivering dinner to folks all across this region. Tomorrow, we'll be back at it again, working to reach as many families who have been impacted by this flood as we possibly can. 

Please pray for the flood victims. Pray for a break from more rain (forecasters continue to warn of possible additional flooding). Pray that each meal we serve will be a blessing to a weary flood victim or volunteer.

And thanks in advance for your continued partnership.

God bless,

Gary LeBlanc, Mercy Chefs